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Loyalty Get Transaction History

Description: This service is used to get transaction history of a customer.

Channel sends the request to mulesoft. Mulesoft will send the request to Loyalty system and get back the result.

A response is sent back to the channel immediately. If it fails due to any reason, a proper error is sent back to the API consuming channel to both REST using the error codes defined.

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id, client_id, client_secret, x-channel-id, x-bank-id

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, x-user-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id, Authorization


URI Params: {id}

Query Params:

pageSize: Mandatory (-1 for unlimited periods)
pageNumber: Mandatory (starts from 1)
sort: Optional (asc,desc)
type: Mandatory (all, gain, redeem, expiry)

Content-type: application/json

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

        "success": true,
        "code": "200",
        "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
        "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
    "response": {
        "transactions": [
            "title": "gained",
            "type": "gained",
            "transaction": [
                    "title": "Steps",
                    "date": 1673523612554,
                    "points": 1.00,
                    "type": "gained"
                    "title": "Registration and activation on SWITCH ON",
                    "date": 1638890083370,
                    "points": 10.00,
                    "type": "gained"
                    "title": "Credit Card - Infinite",
                    "date": 1637013600000,
                    "points": 4.00,
                    "type": "gained"
            "title": "redeemed",
            "type": "redeemed",
            "transaction": []
            "title": "expired",
            "type": "expired",
            "transaction": []

Sample Error Response:

400 :

    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": "400",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "",
        "englishMessage": "No records were found",
        "backendError": "No records were found",
        "backendCode": "-100"
